The Hairdresser Isn’t So Scary... – How to Prepare Your Child for Their First Haircut
A child’s first trip to the hairdresser is a big event, not just for them but also for the parent, who often doesn’t know how to prepare. A new place, lots of stimuli, and unfamiliar faces – it’s bound to be a stressful experience for a child, especially if they are shy. Here are some tips to turn a scary encounter into a fun adventure:
Hairdresser Role Play
What child doesn’t love pretending to be a princess in a tower or a knight on a white horse? This time, you can choose a more down-to-earth character – a hairdresser. Gather some props: brushes, combs, hair ties, clips, and a mirror. Set up your own salon. Invite “clients” such as dolls or stuffed animals and give them haircuts or style their hair. This type of play helps the child get used to the new situation and understand what their visit will entail.
Explain Step by Step
The scariest part of going to the hairdresser is that it’s a new, unfamiliar experience. Explain to your child step by step what will happen. Show them a hairdryer or scissors and let them play with a brush. Talk about why you’re going to the hairdresser and what the job is all about.
Set a Good Example
There’s no better way to convince a child to do something than to show them yourself. Book an appointment together with your little one and show them that going to the hairdresser is fun! Bring someone along to keep an eye on your child while you’re in the chair. When they see mom smiling and realize the “scary person with scissors” doesn’t hurt her, they’ll feel more confident sitting in front of the mirror.
Watch a Video Beforehand
We live in a time where nearly everything can be found online, including educational videos for kids about unusual situations they might face, like going to the hairdresser. YouTube is full of cartoons and videos that show step-by-step what happens during a salon visit. You can easily find a video that captures your child’s interest and prepares them for the experience.
Choose the Right Place
Lastly, but just as importantly, choose a salon that specializes in children’s haircuts. These places often have special chairs shaped like airplanes or ponies, and the staff is trained to meet the needs of even the fussiest little clients.
Remember, proper preparation is half the battle. Even if your child initially resists, don’t give up – try again later. Kids change their minds more often than anyone else, and the “scary hairdresser” could become the most fun activity under the sun in just a few days.