What Do Your Hair Say? Diet, Illnesses, and Lifestyle Reflected in Your Hair – Part I

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Hair is a mirror of your mental and physical health as well as your diet. Experienced hairdressers can glean a lot of information about their clients from the condition of their hair. Let’s uncover the stories written in your hair.

What Do Greasy Hair Say?
Greasy hair doesn’t always indicate a scalp condition – it could be a result of an unhealthy diet! A diet high in sweets, fizzy drinks, fried foods, and processed products will undoubtedly impact both your physical (and mental) well-being.

Clients with greasy hair can benefit from a diet rich in vitamins A, E, C, B2, B3, and B6. These vitamins help regulate sebum production and alleviate greasy hair issues. However, a dietary change is essential for lasting results.

What Do Brittle Hair Say?
Brittle hair may indicate insufficient protein intake. The body needs adequate protein to produce keratin, the main building block of hair. Brittle hair can also be caused by deficiencies in vitamins B5, C, and E.

Protein-rich foods include meat, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and grains.

What Do Dry Hair Say?
Dry hair can have several causes. Daily styling with curling irons, straighteners, or blow dryers, frequent dyeing or bleaching, or insufficient water intake are common culprits.

How much water should you drink? Adults are generally recommended to consume 1.5 to 2 liters of water daily, but this can vary based on gender, temperature, and physical activity. On average, water intake should be around 0.02 liters per kilogram of body weight.

Tip for Hairdressers:
If you notice hair issues in a client, inform them of the possible causes and suggest consulting a specialist.

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